In conclusion, Car Tailer Interior Livingroom Lights are a great choice for anyone looking to enhance the interior of their car trailer. They provide a warm and inviting atmosphere, are energy-efficient and easy to install. If you are interested in purchasing these lights or have any further questions, please visit Dongguan Sunhe Lighting Co., Ltd.'s website at or contact them via email at
Research Papers:
K. Yan et al., 2019, "Investigation of Light Sources for Road Lighting and Comparison of Their Performances," Energy Procedia, vol. 158, pp.206 - 211.
S. Shirmohammadi et al., 2018, "Optimal urban daylight duration and solar load alleviation by high reflective roofing," Solar Energy, vol. 167, pp. 331-342.
C. Mutale and N. Gwamanda, 2019, "Technical evaluation of off-grid lighting systems for rural electrification in Zambia," Habitat International, vol. 94, art.102102.
M. Solano, K. González, and J. Guillén, 2020, "Assessment of different artificial air-cooling strategies for LED lamps in streetlighting applications," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 261, art.121058.
A. Laiho, H. Pulkkinen, and J. Sirén, 2019, "Governing the adoption of building automation systems in property companies: A case study analysis," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 114, art.109292.
P. Kopanos and C. Tsitouras, 2020, "Towards intelligent building automation systems: A review of current technologies and applications," Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 52, art.101811.
M. Huang, X. Wang, and X. Zhou, 2019, "Design and control of the air-conditioning with phase change materials and heat pipes in industrial modular buildings," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.143, art.118524.
L. Liu et al., 2018, "Numerical study of friction perforated plates for controlling sound transmission in enclosure structures," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.198, pp.1259-1270.
H. Altammar et al., 2019, "Energy savings through daylighting in retail stores under clear and cloudy sky conditions in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia," Habitat International, vol.83, pp.1-10.
N. Soudani et al., 2020, "Smart streetlights for energy saving and light pollution reduction: A review," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 245, art.118850.